The Magic Of Making Up Review (How To Get Your Ex Back) By Stuart Brown
Official Site – The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back By T W Jackson
The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back is a guide by T W Jackson designed to help you to re-ignite the flames of passion and get your ex back. How quickly that happens is down to you. If you implement the strategies with gusto and energy then it can be a very quick process (almost like “Magic” :-)), but if you sit around moping and don’t change any of the behaviors that got you to this place in the first place, then honestly, nothing is going to change.
So, if you are not fully committed to getting your ex back, then please. Stop reading right now. Do NOT buy this book. Do NOT spend your money. You will be wasting it. Spend it on beer and other ‘important’ stuff like that.
If however you know at a gut level that you are fully committed to getting your ex back. Then read on, and let’s see if “The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back” is a good guide to make it happen.
Click Here to check out The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back >>
The author, T W Jackson claims that over 50,000 people in 77 countries have used his system successfully. He has plenty of testimonials on his page from happy users like this.
Dating Again!
Just wanted to say thank you soooooooooo much for the amazing advice in your book the magic of making up. Yesterday was that all important First Date and it was absolutely fantastic… i just had an email from him saying what a great time he had and how he can’t believe how cool it was to be together. Also back when we split up, your book picked me up out of the mud when I was feeling the worst I ever felt in my life, and doing all the things you advised gave me a life line – now I am so much stronger and happier. I’m still going to take things slowly with my ex (I’m not at the end of your plan yet!!) but I can’t believe how well life is going only 2 months after I felt like I was half dead. Thank you so much.
And that’s great. But in this review I am going to look beyond the hype (he is hardly likely to post BAD reviews!). I have actually bought and read all the different components that make up the magic of making up system and will be letting you know in this review EXACTLY what you get. Whether it was any good. What was bad about it. And what you should watch out for.
This is product reviewing the ‘old fashioned way’ where people actually take a proper look at a product and then write what they actually thought, without having a heart attack caused by their gushing.
If its good I will say so.
If it sucks or is a scam I will also say so.
That clear? Good. Let’s get cracking.
If you take a look at The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back Home Page here >> Then you will see that the author has a fairly homely style to his writing, and has a number of videos that you can watch that have some nice content in them. For example, this one where he talks about the ‘Calming Mind Technique‘ (the volume is a bit low so you might have to turn up your speakers).
You can see more videos here >>
The sales letter for The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back only talks about the main guide which currently is selling for $39. This is a pretty typical price for ‘Get Ex Back’ type guides. But the salespage doesn’t make any mention of any other bonuses, which is unusual, as you normally get a couple of other things thrown in for free.
Let’s see what T.W Jackson actually provides if you shell out your hard-earned money on this.
The first thing you will notice after you buy The Magic of Making Up ebook is that T.W Jackson has quite a nice welcome video where he will offer you a one-time offer to upgrade to a version that includes the magic of making up audio book version of the course for an extra $17.
Click to check out The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back HERE >>
(In the next section of this Magic of Making Up Review I look at what you actually get on with your purchase)
That seemed like a reasonable offer, and after my last experience of getting the audio book version of one of these courses I thought it would actually be worth getting this to compare what kind of job T.W Jackson has done on the audio book version of the magic of making up.
If it is any good then $17 is a small price to pay for an audio book version of a course like the magic
of making up, and in practice makes it easier to consume, because you can listen to it at the gym by putting the MP3s on your ipod.
The last course I listened to had been read by one of those ‘computer voices’ and sounded awful. It came free with the course on that one. So I shouldn’t moan too much I guess. But computer voices are unlistenable in practice. Especially when listening to a product about getting your ex back!
(Listening to a “Stephen Hawking voice” giving you dating advice gets “old” real quick!)
So, if I am paying for the audio, then I at least expect it to be read by a decent voice artist. Not a computer.
Anyway, it was only an extra $17, so I decided to go for it. It sends you back to pay the extra.
And then I paid up with Paypal.
So, after that it then takes you to a page where he asks for your name and email address. (I am talking you through all this so that you see EXACTLY what you get if you decide to buy it. No surprises.)
Personally, I find this reassuring when I see opt-in boxes BEFORE the download page. It means two things normally.
1/ He should be able to immediately email you a link to the download page for your files, and to ensure that you are always able to download what you bought. (And I just checked and he did in fact do that so a good thumbs up to TW Jackson for that :-))
2/ He is quite happy to keep in touch, and may have some other good stuff to share.
After that, we finally get to the download page and we can see EXACTLY what you end up getting when you buy this product (Remember, I paid $39 for the main product plus $17 for the audio of magic of making up).
So let’s have a look at what we actually got in The Magic of Making Up…
Here is what the download page looks like (I have blacked out the support email address, because obviously you can only expect T.W Jackson to support people who have actually bought the product, and not those who are only reading a review considering whether to take the plunge :-))
Click to check out The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back HERE >>
(In the next part of this Magic of Making Up Review I look at the bonuses you get with
the Magic of Making Up and the Magic of Making Up Audio and give you an MP3 sample to listen too)
Ok. Right. So already I am seeing things I like 🙂
I only actually paid for the main book and the audio versions. But what I receive here are:
1/ The Main ‘The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back’ Book.
2/ The Audio Version of the Book
Unexpected… (But nice! Thanks TW!)
1/ Mind Magic Ebook
2/ Clean Slate Method Ebook
3/ Boost Your Metabolism Ebook
4/ In the introductory email that goes out immediately after you have supplied your name and address, there is also a link to a 10 minute video created by T.W Jackson which is talking about the first steps that you should take first to get your ex back.
The Magic of Making Up Review – Firstly, let’s explore the worth of Unexpected Bonus Items…
1/ Mind Magic Ebook – 23 Pages – In this book T.W Jackson talks about how the main ebook is the ‘Strategy’ that you need to learn first, and that this is a like a box of magic tracks that you should dip into once you understand what is going on.
In this guide he also tells you about his ‘Magic Second Chance Letter’ and gives you the text of what you should be saying, as well as explaining why you are saying it.
He then goes on to talk about how you can get ANYONE to return your call or text message, how to get almost anyone to do just about anything, “self image judo magic” and how to train others to do what you want.
This is a really good read. This is actually a proper ‘bonus’ folks (sound the trumpets!) It has a proper use in the context of the product you purchased (which many bonuses don’t in my experience), and is clearly written by the author himself so ties in nicely to the main material.
This is worth the cost of the book on its own.
2/ The Clean Slate Method Ebook – 7 Pages – This is all about how to apologise properly. This felt a bit touchy feely to me. Though I am sure if you are a very affectionate, tactile person that this might feel like T.W Jackson is talking to you personally!
The summary that he gives is useful, and again, this is a relevant bonus.
Apologising properly is a useful skill if you are in the middle of trying to get your ex back!
3/ Boost Your Metabolism – 62 Pages – This is an interesting choice of bonus in that it has only a fairly loose connection with the topic in hand, namely that of getting your ex back. The ‘loose’ connection is that if you raise your metabolism then you can lose any excess weight you may be carrying. The new slimmer, healthier you will then feel better and be more attractive to the opposite sex.
Here is the explanation he gives for including it (on the download page):
“This guide has helped me lose over 7% body fat very quickly by boosting my metabolism. Wait until you see a couple sizes smaller or down a few belt loops!”
All logical enough, but it still seems like a slightly odd choice for a bonus to me.
This one isn’t written by T W Jackson, which is perhaps understandable, because it is long enough to be a product in its own right.
It is a good read though, and if you have found yourself vaguely wondering what metabolism is all about then this should answer your questions.
But don’t go dipping in expecting to get a secret hidden get ex back tip!
4/ Bonus Video (Link in the opening email he sends out after you give him your name and email address – NOT on the download page) – 9 Mins 15 Secs
Solid stuff and a nice touch to include a link to this in the first email. Video is much easier to consume then an ebook (it has a timescale apart from anything else, so you know how long it will take to go through, unlike a book). And the nature of being apart from your ex (especially when you want to be back together) is that you need an intervention quite quickly to stop you doing anything really dumb.
This could definitely help with that. He ties in the video with his ‘Mind Magic’ ebook that I took a look at above by also including a link to that on the video page. In essence he is starting to help to get a grip on the psychology of the situation, so that you keep a clear head while doing the things he recommends in his main book.
5/ The Audio Version of The Magic of Making Up – 9 MP3 Files – (1 Hour 38 Minutes 39 Seconds)
The magic of making up audio version of the book is split up into 9 individual MP3 files. This corresponds with the 8 chapters of the book, plus the introduction.
The times of the audio are as follows:
Introduction – 1 min 54 seconds.
Chapter 1 – 8 minutes 23 seconds
Chapter 2 – 9 minutes 51 seconds
Chapter 3 – 11 minutes 36 seconds
Chapter 4 – 18 minutes 46 seconds
Chapter 5 – 9 minutes 20 seconds
Chapter 6 – 21 minutes 57 seconds
Chapter 7 – 10 minutes 40 seconds
Chapter 8 – 6 minutes 32 seconds
Total Time = 1 Hour 38 Minutes 39 Seconds
This audiobook version of Magic of Making Up was a pleasant surprise because the book is clearly being read by a professional voice artist, so the tonality is good. The sound levels are also very good and the audio is extremely clear so a decent microphone was used.
This is a personal bugbear of mine. Why the hell do people making products find it so difficult to produce decent audio for their products?
It’s not rocket science, and yet many ‘Audio Versions’ of courses are awful either because they are read by a computer generated voice, or because the sound levels are too low.
This suffers from neither of those issues. Here is a 3 second sample of the voiceover guy saying “The Magic of Making Up By T W Jackson” from the audio (so you can hear it for yourself. TW – Don’t worry! No ‘secrets’ being revealed here!)
Click on the link below to have a listen.
The Magic of Making Up Audio MP3 Version – Sample
Sounds good.
Overall, if you want to listen to this in the gym or on the way to work, then the audio upgrade is recommended.
Click to check out The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back HERE >>
(Ok. So in the next part of this Magic of Making Up Review I explore
the main Magic of Making Up Ebook,
what is good and what sucks)
“The Magic Of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back” – The Main Ebook Review
The main Magic of Making Up System Ebook is 62 pages long and is split into eight chapters.
Chapter 1: Understanding Why Your Relationship Ended (And Why It’s Not Over Just Yet)
Chapter 2: Don’t Panic – Your Key to Winning Back Their Love (Getting Your Head On Straight)
Chapter 3: Removing the Splinter in Your Relationship (Where Do You Stand?)
Chapter 4: Re-Igniting the Spark of Passion and Desire (The Plan)
Chapter 5: Dates and Lovers – How Other People Can Actually Bring You Back Together With Your Ex
Chapter 6: Easing Back Into Your Relationship to Solidify Your Love
Chapter 7: Maintaining the Fun and Love Without Dredging Up Old Wounds and Arguments
Chapter 8: When Your Relationship Can’t Be Saved – Moving On With Grace
Let’s take a look at those in turn.
Chapter 1 is all about uncovering the REAL reasons why your relationship ended. This is a crucial step, because unless you understand the reasons WHY things went wrong you cannot hope to have any chance of being able to fix them. And getting to the heart of ‘WHY’ is often not as easy as you might think. You may be carrying around all kinds of ideas as to why it ended that may not be true form your partners perspective. They may have an entirely different idea of where everything stands, and you don’t even know about it!
So chapter 1 is designed to help you to get the understanding you need about this part of the relationship cycle. T W Jackson looks at both why men and women typically leave relationships, and some of the main reasons that the relationship may have ended.
Chapter 2 is all about consolidation. In effect it’s about why shooting from the hip is not always the best approach and why calm thinking and ordered action may serve you better. He also outlines the starting strokes of the strategy to getting this relationship back on track.
It is important to realise that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and so you need to be patient. This is a process and so you need certain pieces of the puzzle in place before you can move forward.
He also discusses ‘The Fast Forward Technique’.
Chapter 3 of ‘The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back” is all about choices. We all face them in our lives normally, and relationships are no exception. You will have already done some work on figuring out the parts of your relationship that caused it to end. Now it is time to work on those even more and ratchet up the knowledge.
Dealing with both the positives and negatives in any relationship can also help to give you proper perspective on where you are at. You may well find that things are not as bad as you might think, and that there are constructive areas that you can still build on.
This chapter will help you to hone in on those areas.
Click To Check Out The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back HERE >>
(In the next part of this Magic of Making Up review
I look at Chapters 4 to 8 of The Magic of Making Up)
This comes about a third of the way through the book, and now the actual action really starts to get underway. The first third of the book is about getting a clearer idea of what happened and getting to grip with the realities of your relationship as it really was, and not as you would have ‘liked’ it to have been.
Chapter 4 Now, in the final two-thirds of the book T W Jackson addresses how to go about getting your ex back from an action oriented perspective. Things you need to do, and things you should avoid doing. There are a lot of different elements that he talks about that together can make a big difference. He also discusses six specific appearance factors that you need to act upon.
is about strategizing a dating plan to move you forward. This includes both the steps that you need to take, as well as what to do if your ex is dating. It also explores some of the temptations that you may be experiencing now that you have split up from your ex, as well as how to go about reconnecting with your ex in a way that actually serves you, and doesn’t harm you.
Chapter 5 It is crucial to realise that having a plan is a key part of anything that is remotely complex. Whether that be learning how to do a rubiks cube, or getting your ex back. You need a plan.
of “The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back” is where a lot of specifics about contact strategies and the different dating dangers that lie on the path ahead are discussed. These can always potentially trip you up if you aren’t aware of them, so it is important that you make allowances for them.
Chapter 6 There is a great chance that by this stage everything is going to progress smoothly, because you have already laid some firm foundations. But if you do get a ‘No’ to a date request when you contact your ex, then all is not lost. There are some insightful ways to approach this, and some practical things that you can say at this stage without blowing it for good! T W Jackson talks about those here.
He also discusses how to properly prepare for the date both physically and mentally. What to do when you are on that ‘first date’ again with your ex, and what to do about the physical aspects of your relationship. And what to do if something goes wrong on the date.
This is a big chapter and is easily the best in the book. Lots of interesting material in here that you can use, and very practical in its application to getting your ex back.
Chapter 7 assumes that you have got your ex back and are in the early days of the reconciliation. It would be all too easy to slip into old habits that ended up in you splitting up before. So don’t feel that your job is done once you are back together. Instead you need to reshape your relationship so that it can work on a longer term basis.
This chapter talks about all the different tips and tricks that you can use to make that happen. It also talks about the dangers of reflecting on negatives of the past. At some stage you need to forgive your boyfriend or girlfriend (who are now no longer your ex!) From any perceived injustices of the past, or you can end up making problems for your new found love for each other. And just as importantly you need to endeavour to have friends and family forgive. How to do that is something that T W Jackson gives attention to in this chapter of The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back.
Chapter 8 talks about what you should do if the relationship cannot be saved. The methods that you can use to reconcile your mind to it, and how to move beyond them so that you can continue to grow and create happy, healthy relationships in the future.
Click Here to check out The Magic of Making Up – How To Get Your Ex Back >>
(In the next and final part of this the magic of making up review see
my overall conclusion as to what I made of the magic of making up)
‘The Magic of Making up – How To Get Your Ex Back by T W Jackson‘ is a good course and covers the fundamentals of getting back with your ex. The strongest part of the course is the ‘Mind Magic Ebook’ and Chapter 6 of the Main book, which jumped out at me as the most actionable parts of the system.
Honestly, despite the claims on the salesletter that these are radically new and “Unconventional Methods!” I couldn’t really go along with that conclusion. It is more the case that the Magic of Making Up Course brings together a lot of different simple elements of the process of re-falling for someone (which is after all what making up is all about once you get past forgiveness) and allows you to focus in on some of the parts that you have been missing.
It does that very well.
In itself that may end up being radical for your relationship, because it is the little things that can often make the difference between getting your ex back or screwing things up permanently.
And also the little matter of being able to keep them once you have got them back.
If you are short of time then I can wholeheartedly recommend the audio book version of The Magic of Making Up. It is a $17 upgrade to the main course (which you have to buy first). But is well worth it because the content is delivered by a guy with a nice sounding voice with professional standard audio that makes it easy to absorb.
Audio MP3 versions also make it more straightforward to go through the course multiple times to make sure you don’t miss anything. (Something you should routinely do if you have the time, as it dramatically aids retention of the material) Because you can listen to it at the gym, in the car, or when you are busy doing something else.
Don’t expect a magic pill here.
T W Jackson may be good at giving fancy names to simple (but effective) principles, but the fact remains that you will ultimately have to do the work that counts. And whatever you end up calling it, getting back with your ex is really solved by hard thought and hard action on YOUR part.
Reading is passive. It is ACTION taken as a result of that new knowledge that will get your ex back.
That, incidentally, is true of ANY of these type of courses. So is not putting this one down in any way.
It is a good course. Its simply not going to solve world peace for $39 🙂 But there is every chance it could be a big help at getting your ex back. (Which is kinda the point :-))
If you are willing to put in the legwork then this can definitely help. It has a lot of great ideas.
Are you willing to do the work?
If you are then Click on the Red Pill and continue the journey to learn ‘The Magic of Making Up’. If not, then Click the Blue Pill and your journey ends. You decide…
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Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more. 😎
In other words, to check out The Magic of Making Up, CLICK HERE NOW >>